Know-how About Sails

Rigging a 29-Metre Ketch in Phuket

29-Metre Ketch in Phuket

Even for or experienced team of riggers at Rolly Tasker Sails, this was a demanding project. A beautiful large, wooden yacht based in Thailand received a full re-fit and this included new, wooden spars and completely new rigging. In fact, just the kind of job that our rigging team loves, having all necessary resources for this kind of task at hand. This includes our mast and rigging workshop facility at the Rolly Tasker Sails loft in Phuket, with a huge stock of best quality rigging hardware, stainless steel wires and Polyester or Dyneema ropes to replace standing and running rigging. Plus of course the professional expertise and machinery to process everything necessary such as swaging or splice work.

Laser used to measure the chainplates location
Laser used to measure the chainplates location
Securing turnbuckles
Securing turnbuckles

Full replacement of Mast and Rigging

“We did even more than usual”, explains RTS Operations Manager Mikael. Replacing the entire standing rigging on yachts is standard work for the team. In this case, everything was new. Which required a lot of engineering work in preparation: Measuring the new masts and the location of chainplates to then create a 3D-model from which to calculate the length of each individual wire. The sheer dimensions on this 29-metre yacht were also unusual. “Swagging a 19-millimetre cable doesn’t happen very often”, says Mikael. Rolly Tasker Sails is probably the only company in Thailand that is able to swage cables of those dimensions. And it does not end here. The corresponding fittings had to be ordered specifically, as manufacturers do not stock them for such big cables. “32-metre long masts are not so very common and this was, even for us, a record”, comments Mikael.

Ketch Rigging Shroud adjustment
Shroud adjustment…

Fully Professional Rigging Services in Phuket

Which is quite a statement given the fact that the rigging department at Rolly Tasker Sails Thailand is a highly professional unit that is used to meet all kinds of challenges. The professionalism at work here even extends to the crane driver and his assistant, as Mikael explains: “They, too, play a big part when it comes to taking a mast down or stepping it back, so we work with the same company all the time who do a great job and are very skilled.” The usual procedure is to take the mast down, remove the old standing rigging and take it to the workshop, create the new rigging, install this on the mast and finally step the mast again and tune the rig. Maintenance work also includes servicing of furling systems; remove, service and bend back on all sails; and replace running rigging. All this can easily be done by the Rolly Tasker team who usually has the required materials and items in stock in our own chandlery.

Rolly Tasker Sails in Phuket – One Stop Shop

In all, Rolly Tasker Sails’ headquarters in Phuket offer a true one-stop-shop for all requirements and fully professional services in sails, rigging and deck hardware. This includes standing and running rigging with swaging and splicing services, a large stock of rigging and deck hardware such as from Harken in our chandlery. And, of course, sail servicing, repair and new sails. For anything from the deck up, our friendly and highly skilled team at Rolly Tasker Sails in Phuket has all the solutions at hand – in fact, so much more than “just” sails!

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