Amy and Matt from the UK have been sailing halfway around the world in their classic Oyster 37 Heritage sloop “Florence”. At this point, their original suit of sails was so worn out by age and the intense UV exposure that they were weak to the point of no repair. The cloth itself was simply tired and worn and would tear at the slightest mechanical pressure.
Lucky for them, however, they were in Phuket, Thailand, when their sails reached this point. Preparing for their planned, 6500 nautical mile passage across the Indian Ocean, they were again lucky to meet Sven, CEO of Rolly Tasker Sails. Who agreed to help them out with a completely new sail wardrobe, robustly made for long distance blue water cruising. And not only that, but who also gave them tips for improving their sail plan forward of the mast.

In this video, Amy and Matt get to know our sail-loft in Phuket and learn hands-on how we make not only their new sails, but around 20 sails per day! Enjoy!