Know-how About Sails

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Sail a Code Zero on a Catamaran

code zero lagoon 46 catamaran 01

Flying a Code Zero on a cruising catamaran

Handling a Code Zero sail on a modern cruising catamaran: This informative and inspiring how-to-video was made by the Australian multihull experts of TMG Yachts, after taking delivery of a new Rolly Tasker Sails Code 0. This sail was tailor made for the Lagoon 46 catamaran featured here by Rolly Tasker Sails Australia. So, for the exhilarating experience of flying a Code Zero sail, come along on board and learn how to safely and efficiently handle this exciting sail on this special type of boat with this clear and concise step-by-step guide.

What Is a Code Zero or Code 0 Sail?

In this video, Joe Fox of TMG Yachts not only shows the practicalities of sailing with a Code Zero, but he also explains the difference between a Code Zero and an asymmetrical spinnaker. He then takes us through all the steps in setting up and preparing the Code 0, including some finer points like, for example, halyard tension.

The Code zero sail is somewhere between a large Genoa and an asymmetrical spinnaker. Lighter and larger in area than the Genoa, it is also furled. It is however a true downwind sail, made for broad reaching.

Code Zero Practicalities

When do you best fly your Code Zero? Learn about wind range and wind angles most suitable for this beautiful sail. The video also gives a very detailed and clear step-by-step guide to hoisting and unfurling the sail. Once it is up and pulling, learn all about the perfect trim and how easy it is to gybe this sail in relaxed cruising mode.

As already said, the Code Zero is a downwind sail for up to 150 degrees or so off the wind. It is not suitable for any courses closer to the wind than a beam reach. And even the beam reach should only be sailed with the Code 0 in really light winds – especially on a catamaran, there is huge pressure on the rigging, and you do not want to over-power that. For a cruising cat, Joe recommends the wind speed limit for a Code Zero at 15 to 20 knots. And the stronger the wind is, the lower off the wind you should sail.

sailing a code zero on a lagoon 46 catamaran

Feel the Thrill

This video is great fun to watch, it will inspire you and make you want to get out on the water now to experience the thrill of fast sailing! The Code Zero sail can really turbo charge your cruising catamaran, adding several knots of speed, especially in light airs. However, apart from literally showing you the ropes of how to do it, it also points out potential problems when you are not taking care

Have fun both when watching the video and also, of course, out on the water!

code zero sail

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